Main | Monday, May 20, 2013

Obama's Approval Rating Unaffected

Despite all of the GOP screaming in recent weeks, a CNN poll released yesterday shows that the president's approval rating has improved slightly or stayed the same.
According to the survey, which was conducted Friday and Saturday, 53% of Americans say they approve of the job the president is doing, with 45% saying they disapprove. The president's approval rating was at 51% in CNN's last poll, which was conducted in early April. "That two-point difference is well within the poll's sampling error, so it is a mistake to characterize it as a gain for the president," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "Nonetheless, an approval rating that has not dropped and remains over 50% will probably be taken as good news by Democrats after the events of the last week."
CNN's poll result mirrors the one released last week by Gallup.

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