Quote Of The Day - Bill Maher
"I saw in the news that Michelle Obama has a new program. You know she tried to get kids to eat better and Republicans were against that. And now she wants people to hydrate more, I’m not kidding, she says ‘Drink more water.’ I think this is a test to see if the Republicans will come out against water. That’s not water, that’s socialism juice!" - Bill Maher, speaking Friday on his HBO show.
Of course, the wingnuts already have come out against drinking water. Rush Limbaugh, in a piece that calls the First Lady "Moochelle": "We have real trouble, real problems in this country and around the world. What is this push to drink more water? Now, we know that Bloomberg doesn't want people drink sweetened soft drinks, limiting the size to 16 ounces. I'll tell you what I think it is. I think there's an all-out assault on soda pop, soft drinks."
Labels: Bill Maher, Michelle Obama, Rush Limbaugh, wingnuts