Main | Thursday, January 16, 2014

Email Of The Day - Eugene Delgaudio

"Dear Joe, This may be the hardest letter I’ve ever written. My family’s been stalked, I’ve been threatened, assaulted and called every manner of vile name. My little children became targets. The threats were unspeakable. But God called me to this place, and I’ve stood my ground, not just my ground, the Family’s ground, our ground. But now I wonder. Is it true you and other God-trusting Americans no longer care? Do we now in 2014 just let the liberals, the media elites, judges, political insiders and homosexual activists declare two men 'husband and husband' and two women 'wife and wife' or some other perversion of our language and law?  I know some will bravely contribute $35. Some even $50 or $100. A few will give even more. So if you can afford a substantial donation of $35, $50 or even $100 or more, I hope you will contribute it today. But if for you a lesser gift of $320 is a sacrifice, you have my promise that I will be a faithful steward of every contribution."- Eugene Delgaudio, who promises to deliver eleventy bajillion anti-gay petitions to Congress.

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