Main | Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Husband Of Woman Filmed Making Out With Christian GOP Rep Speaks Out

"I know his beliefs. When he ran one of his commercials, he said 'I need your prayers,' and I asked, 'When did you get religious?' He said, 'When I needed votes.' He broke out the religious card and he's about the most non-religious person I know. He's apologized to everyone in the world except me. I’m just freaking devastated by the whole deal, man. I loved my wife so much. I cannot believe this. I cannot freaking believe it. I feel like I’m going to wake up here in a minute and this is all going to be a bad nightmare. It was just a kiss, that was all it was, but it embarrassed me and my family." - Heath Peacock, the husband of the woman caught on video making out with "conservative Christian" and gay marriage opponent Rep. Vance McAllister, who yesterday begged for privacy during this fucking embarrassing time. (Tipped by JMG reader Dwight)

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