Main | Thursday, April 17, 2014

Janet Porter's Silly Lie About Porno Pete

"American pro-family leader Peter Labarbera has been arrested in Canada. First, Peter Labarbera was denied entry into Canada as a potential violator of the country's hate propaganda law because of his biblical stand for natural marriage. [LIE] But thanks to some conservative members of Parliament, when Peter LaBarbera appealed the Canadian border security agency's decision, he was permitted to enter the country and speak at a Saskatchewan pro-life event. LaBarbera and Canadian activist Bill Whatcott were then arrested at the University of Regina for handing out pro-life and pro-family materials. University provost Thomas Chase defended the arrest, claiming the pro-family materials could 'harm the campus community.' Welcome to the criminalization of Christianity." - Faith2Action hate group leader Janet Porter, parroting the lies about the arrest of Porno Pete.

FACT CHECK:  If opposing gay marriage were grounds for denying entry to Canada, millions of Americans would have been refused entry by now. Hate groups also routinely claim that the SPLC puts them on their hate group list merely because they oppose gay marriage.

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