Main | Sunday, May 11, 2014

ARKANSAS: Senator Calls For Impeaching Judge Who Overturned Marriage Ban

An Arkansas GOP state senator wants to impeach the judge who overturned that state's ban on same-sex marriage. How surprising.
Senator Jason Rapert says the judge's decision should not stand since he says 75% of Arkansans voted in 2004 that marriage is between a man and woman. He said, "I have been contacted today by other legislators that would seek to start impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives against Judge Chris Piazza." The Attorney General's Office plans to appeal the decision. The office also submitted an emergency stay to the court, which would mean the same sex marriage ban would stay in place until the Supreme Court can make a decision on the issue.
The GOP speaker of the Arkansas House strongly disagrees.
"Trying to impeach a Judge because you don't like his or her decision notwithstanding the subject matter is absurd and goes against hundreds of years of the way our great country has conducted business under our three branches of government. Circuit judges are elected by the people, as are our appellate and state Supreme Court judges. The appellate process needs to run its course. Our forefathers saw the importance of our constitution and system of self-governance. That system has worked well for a long time and make us who we are as a country. I won't support any effort to undermine that."
In January, Rapert called for the impeachment of the "dictator" President Obama because he has "denounced the well-documented fact that America is a Christian nation."

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