Main | Tuesday, January 13, 2015

FLORIDA: Pete Coors, Head Of MillerCoors, To Speak At Anti-Gay Catholic Convention

The virulently anti-gay Catholic group Legatus, which counts Brian Brown among its members, will hold its annual convention in Naples, Florida at the end of the month. Among the speakers are Fox News anchor Bret Baier and failed 2004 US Senate candidate Pete Coors, the chairman of brewing giant MillerCoors. Over at Good As You, Jeremy Hooper points us to some of the group's positions on homosexuality. An example:
There are many reasons why people suffer from SSA disorder. Some “discover” this tendency within them. Others grow into it through pursuits of pleasure or experimentation. Some use it to punish themselves or others. Whether the disorder has some deep, unknown roots over which one has virtually no control, or whether it’s a developed disorder resulting from bad choices, it leaves an individual disposed toward activities and a lifestyle that are dangerous — physically, emotionally and spiritually. Fortunately there is hope for those who suffer from the disorder. The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality [NARTH] reports that significant numbers of homosexual persons have undergone treatment and had their sexual drives properly ordered. These findings are a beacon of hope to those suffering from SSA, as well as for their family and friends who desire their happiness and good health.
In an update to the above-linked post, Hooper notes that the publicist for actor Gary Sinise has already emailed him with Sinese's statement of withdrawal:
For me, faith has been a catalyst for my mission to honor the men and women who serve in our nation’s military. When I accepted the invitation to speak at the Legatus conference on Veterans issues and share my story, I was unaware of the controversy surrounding some of the participants, and their views on personal matters. I don’t want my mission—which is designed to be unifying—to be disrupted by these, or any controversies, and therefore have decided to withdraw.
As for Pete Coors, some of you will recall that Coors Brewing was the target of a nationwide boycott in the late 70s due to their support of anti-gay groups. In the early 90s Coors Brewing encouraged the formation of an LGBT employees support group and hired Mary Cheney as its liaison to the community, effectively ending the boycott. During his 2004 Senate bid, Pete Coors was attacked by his GOP primary opponent over the company's LGBT-inclusive benefits policy. Coors defended himself by pointing out his support for Colorado's ban on same-sex marriage.

Coors Brewing merged with Miller Brewing in 2008. MillerCoors brands include Molson, Mickey's, Keystone, Miller Lite, Miller High Life, Coors, Coors Lite, Grolsch, and Blue Moon.

CORRECTION: An earlier draft of the this post misstated the location of the event. The Indianapolis chapter of Legatus is the host of the event, which will be held at the Naples Ritz Carlton in Florida.

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