Main | Friday, June 05, 2015

One Million Moms Vs TV Land

Just in via email:
TV Land calls their new program "Impastor" an irreverend new comedy. Christians are calling it disgusting! "Impastor" is a show set to air July 15 at 10:30 p.m. ET/9:30 p.m. CT that includes a man stealing someone's identity who happens to be a pastor. The main character, posing as a gay preacher, recently hired sight unseen by a church that was aware of his lifestyle choice, but then start to notice other characteristics not typical of a pastor. The previews which air earlier in the evening are including the pastor having extensive knowledge of the quality of drugs and insinuating sexual relations with fruit such as cantaloupe. The church secretary catches the pastor sleeping around with women and other behaviors not typical of a Christian, much less a pastor.

This show not only depicts pastors in a negative light, but the entire program will also be based on lies about Christianity. TV Land has crossed the line by belittling the Christian religion with foul jokes. We need to send a loud and clear message to TV Land, its owner Viacom, and all potential advertisers of "Impastor" that this kind of programming is insulting and completely unacceptable. TV Land is not ridiculing any other religion currently and wouldn't dream of mocking Mohammed or Muslims. If we speak with one voice now, we can keep this program from ever seeing the light of day. Christians must take a stand and not be silent. Networks like TV Land continue to mock Christianity, and we will not stand for it.
The email ends with a call to deluge TV Land with complaints.

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