Main | Friday, April 15, 2011

MassResistance On The Day Of Silence

The SPLC-certified hate group MassResistance has today published the below editorial on at least a dozen right-wing sites and blogs.
Welcome students. Today is the big day. Today is your chance to take a stand against the forces of bigotry and homophobia that unfairly targets our brothers, sisters and others in the gay, lesbian, transgendered, bisexual and gender optional community. By your very presence here, you signify your complete acceptance and approval of alternative lifestyles, sex on demand and the right of all to engage in whatever sexual practices feel good at the moment. You should be proud. And you may all now officially consider yourself enlightened. And empowered. I want to thank all of you for not bowing down to the fanatical and intolerant Christians who hate sex. I want to acknowledge your bravery, tolerance and dedication to the concept of gender neutrality and the right of every man, woman and others to choose whichever sexual orientation they prefer. [snip]

Because this is a national day of silence, I'd like to suggest some excellent visual opportunities. I have several tubes of lipstick for any of you guys out there. Having you boys wear lipstick is a great way to banish the remaining stereotypes of manly men. For you gals, we have these cute buttons with pictures of manly women and effeminate men. (Yes, Henry, you can have both lipstick and a button.) I'd like to thank all of you for your support. I'd also like to stress that your participation in this momentous event is mandatory. We'd appreciate it if you didn't mention this to your parents. Believe it or not, some parents would object. I know, I know. But take heart in the fact that pretty soon they'll see the light. NAMBLA has a table right over there that offers lots of good information that should come in handy should you need to educate your parents.
Read the full hate manifesto.

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