Michael Brown On Dan Savage
"How can we quote the Bible in support of our moral values when the Old Testament contains laws calling for the stoning of a woman who lost her virginity before marriage? Actually, based on biblical principles, both Judaism and Christianity teach that such laws are not for today.* But could you imagine what America would look like if sex outside of wedlock was as scandalous in our day as it was in ancient biblical times?" - Michael Brown, writing yet another Townhall piece attacking Dan Savage. (*And yet we get Leviticus vomited at our feet on a daily basis.)
PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Michael Brown claims gay activists want Christians thrown into prison. Michael Brown claims that Hillary Clinton is controlled by Satanic homosexuals. Michael Brown claims that the Bible is 100% true except for the parts he doesn't like. Michael Brown leads a hate march of hundreds of Christians to disrupt Charlotte's gay pride parade. Michael Brown debuts his book with a video using small children to ridicule gay families.
Labels: Dan Savage, education, hate groups, hypocrisy, LGBT youth, Michael Brown, religion