Main | Sunday, September 02, 2012

Phyllis Schlafly Vs Karl Rove

"Karl Rove has made himself toxic to Republicans by his incredibly offensive and dangerous statement suggesting the murder of Congressman Todd Akin of Missouri. Any candidate or network who hires Rove will now be tarnished with this most malicious remark ever made in Republican politics. A private phone call by Rove to Akin to sort of apologize does not erase the public offense. At the very least Rove should make a public apology. But even that can’t wipe out his gross political mistake. Rove has been calling on Todd Akin to resign. but the one who should resign because he made an embarrassing, malicious and downright stupid remark is Karl Rove." - Phyllis Schlafly, quoted on World Net Daily, whose founder Joseph Farah is also calling for Rove to resign. Resign from what, exactly?

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