Quote Of The Day - Bill Donohue

"Hollywood specializes in trashing Catholic 'feelings,' yet we hear nothing about it from President Obama. That’s because he has too many friends there. Just last month, Harvey Weinstein, who has produced more anti-Catholic movies than anyone, held a $35,000-per-person dinner in his home for the president. In March, Bill Maher, who is the supreme Catholic basher, wrote a check to Obama’s superPAC for $1 million. Yesterday, when Neil Cavuto on Fox News asked me how to make sense of all this, I said, 'Hollywood respects Jews, fears Muslims and hates Catholics, as well as Evangelicals.' - Catholic League blowhard and pedophile defender Bill Donohue, again turning a national tragedy into a story about himself.
Labels: asshats, Bill Donohue, Catholic League, crackpots, Islam, Libya, religion