Main | Thursday, January 03, 2013

WND's Woman Of The Year

World Net Daily has named Michele Bachmann their "Woman Of The Year."
For her extraordinary dedication to America’s founding principles and steadfast defense of the Constitution, WND has named Rep. Michele Bachmann 2012 “Woman of the Year.”  Bachmann is a gutsy, pro-life fiscal conservative who dared to vote against raising the debt ceiling. She’s a God-fearing, gun-loving advocate of tax cuts and domestic oil drilling – and has proven to be one of Obamacare’s worst nightmares. Since her ascension to the House, she has been a persistent defender of the American way of life, championing America’s Christian heritage and the values of limited government.

WND’s “Woman of the Year” award is presented to the woman who “did the most to represent goodness, womanliness, perseverance and character” and “had an impact on wider American, and global opinion.” Runners-up for the honor included Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer; Reggie Littlejohn, founder and president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers; Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany and party leader of the Christian Democratic Union; and Phyllis Schlafly, a guiding light conservative movement and recipient of WND’s 2012 “Lifetime Achievement Award.”
Ladybird has just the thing to wear to the ceremony.

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