Main | Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Email Of The Day - Eugene Delgaudio

"Dear Joe, It’s hard to write you this. My office is in trouble. And I need your help. I have been working overtime fighting against the radical Homosexual Lobby. Today, I’m worried. Despite passing the Gay Bill of Special Rights through the Senate and the gutting of the Defense of Marriage Act, the radical Homosexual Lobby is drooling for more. So with midterm elections approaching, they have adopted new tactics, targeting vulnerable members of Congress. I see well-known agents of the radical Homosexual Lobby everywhere. They are huddled in dark corners scheming and plotting. They meet secretly with Congressmen and Senators who are facing re-election in hopes of tempting them to advance their perverse agenda with campaign cash and the promise of votes. This is in spite of the fact that the Republican majority in the House was preserved in large part by pro-Family Americans turning out to the polls in record numbers. Together, we have stalled the Gay Bill of Special Rights in the House and defeated the Homosexual Classrooms Act, but we had to spend everything to do it. The Homosexual Lobby knows this, and it knows as well as you or me that if we can’t finance ourselves, we won’t be able to stand up to them in the future. That's why I need to ask you today to seriously consider chipping in an emergency contribution of $10 or $20 or even $35 to Public Advocate." - Hate group crackpot and four-times elected Virginia county official Eugene Delgaudio, via email.

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