"Ex-Gays" Ask Disney For Inclusion In Employee Protections

"It is about time Disney treated ex-gays with the respect they deserve," said Bobbie Strobhar, the stockholder who submitted the shareholder resolution, reports Rueters. "Former homosexuals are true models of courage who have been vilified by gay activists." The organization Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) has come out in support of the resolution. "Disney's exclusion of ex-gays from its sexual orientation policy and programs reinforces the second-class status of ex-gays, and contributes to the negative perceptions and discrimination against former homosexuals," said Regina Griggs, executive director of PFOX, in a press release announcing the resolution.In August, PFOX won their case in Washington DC that the National Education Association recognize "ex-gay" as a sexual orientation.
Labels: "ex-gays", Disney, idiocy, liars, PFOX, still totally gay